Registered charity number 1059675 © Manchester 500 2024-C

Frequently asked questions?

How much will it cost?

The IAM RoadSmart cost is currently £215.00 to sign up, this includes the first years membership of your course and your final test (if within the first 2 years provided you renew your annual membership). In addition to this, we ask for a contributions to your observers fuel expenses at the start of your course. Any special offers will be shown on our Facebook page

When are Manchester 500 RoadSmart Courses run?

From March until November, usually on the first and third Saturday of each month, the dates are published in the group Calendar of Events. Courses start dates are available on our Course Info page

What happens if I can’t attend?

We understand that sometimes people will have difficulties attending due to work or family etc., and whilst we expect that you will make every effort to be present at each appointed run, if this is not possible we will endeavour to accommodate you.

Are you the IAM?

We are not the IAM , we are a road safety charity in our own right, but we are affiliated to the IAM and authorised to deliver their RoadSmart course.

Who will be my coach?

We run the course in such a way that we try to ensure a different Observer is with you on each coaching modual, but you will be assigned one Observers as a mentor who will follow your progress and support your development towards test standard.

Do I need to take the test?

There is no pressuer to take the test if you don’t want to. Some people simply wish to improve their riding, and we are very happy to support them.

What bike do I need?

Any road legal motorcycle or motorscooter that is capable of maintaining the national speed limit safely and a full license to ride the machine. We reserve the right to refuse anyone if they or their bike are not fit for the road.

How much practice will I need?

Depends on your ability to start with, but you will be given things to practice and this should represent several hours of focused riding between Observed rides.

How is the course structured?

The course is based on “The System (IPSGA)” . Want to know more, our course booklet is here.


We use Myrouteapp to share ride route information. When you sign up you get a free trial of the Gold membership but it will revert to the free version after 1 month. This is sufficient to view and download the routes. You can download various formats to use on personal Satnav devices. MRA also provides a navigation app for a fee. They also provide a comprehesive set of how to guides this web page.

How do I sign up?

Click on thie IAM Roadsmart Logo and follow the on screen instructions

Where do we meet?

We use the GMP Hough End Sports & Social club as our base, for the majority of our rides.

How long are the Observed rides?

It depends. Each of the rides is around 40 to 50 miles in length sometimes a little shorter, sometimes a little longer. During this ride there will be several breaks for discussions. We aim to start by 9am and finish at a Café around lunchtime.

What if I can’t complete in 3 months?

Provided you are working with us, we will work with you to achieve your potential as a safe rider.

What is WhenAvailable?

WhenAvailable is a web service we use to understand who can or cannot attend a nominated run. A link will be emailed to Associates before the start of each month.